Jane was born in 1879, she was married and her last address was Tyn-y-Llwyn, Oswestry.
War Years
Jane joined the Carnarvon 12 VAD as a nurse and served from 1 November 1915 until 31 March 1919 at the 3rd West General Military Hospital in Cardiff (Below) The hospital was run by nurses from the Territorial Force Nursing Service (TFNS) and supported by VADs.
Information on 3rd West General Cardiff
Howard Gardens School in Cardiff was one of the 23 hospitals established by the end of September 1914; it was known as the 3rd Western Hospital. By November 1915 it was reported that there were 1100 hospital beds in the sectional hospitals of the 3rd Western General Hospital (Western Mail 16 November 1915)
The expansion from the original planned number was achieved by appropriating further schools in Cardiff for use as hospitals. The scale of the operation was exemplified in a report in the South Wales Echo for 4 July 1916:
“Wounded soldiers to the number of 320 from the Front arrived in Cardiff at 4 o’ clock this afternoon. All the cases were sitting injuries being mostly gunshot wounds and the majority were able to walk unaided to the motors which were waiting. Some of the Tommies, who appear in capital spirits, were wounded as recently as yesterday morning. The soldiers were distributed to Howardian (40), King Edward VII Hospital (10), Albany Road (70), Splott (50), Lansdowne (75), Ninian Park (75).”