Annie Norah Curzon was born in 1898. In the 1901 Census, Annie Norah, aged 3 years, was living at 3 Hilltop Madeley with her father Charles (29) mother Lily (27) and sister Linda (6). Her father was a China Smelter.
In the 1911 Census, Annie, now called Norah, was aged 13 years old and she had moved to 53 Park Lane Madeley with her father Charles (40) Mother Lily (38) Linda (16) and Evelyn (5). Her father was now working as a Modeller/Pottery Worker.
Norah (Annie) enrolled as a VAD in 1914 and was selected on 3 July 1917.
She served as a Storekeeper at Park Hall Military Hospital 1355 Detachment Salop 4.
Norah was then posted to the Military Hospital in France from 21 January 1918 until 20 December 1919.
A ‘general service’ section of the VADs was established in September 1915. As men went off to fight, VADs were supplied in their place, carrying out their roles such as dispensers, clerks, cooks and storekeepers. By 1919, 11,000 men had been released for active service and replaced by women.
VADs were sent abroad during both World Wars to countries such as France, Italy and Russia. Male detachments were frequently sent to France to work as transport officers or orderlies in hospitals.